We Melted Brass

It worked! We melted brass in our little primitive clay furnace : To make sure we were working with the right material , I bought a thin rod of guaranteed brass and sliced it up into five pieces, and put it in the crucible. We forgot to take photos at first, excited and busy, but here are the rods sticking up out of the crucible, surrounded by charcoal (thermocouple poking in from the right). We started the fire around 2pm and the temperature increased very steadily and easily. Unfortunately, we didn't take notes (what was I thinking?) but we guess that in about an hour the pyrometer was reading over 1000ยบ C. I was sure it couldn't really be that hot (a reading with only one thermocouple is not so accurate) so we let it go a little while longer, but then finally pulled out the crucible to have a look. The brass rods were no longer poking out of the crucible, meaning they had melted! But we could see they weren't fully melted, so we put the crucible back in...