River Clay (or is it just mud?)

Three years ago my daughter and I went to the Humber river to find some clay. And just last week(!), we finally fired the things we made out of that mud/clay. It took three years not because it needed to, but simply because... well, time passed and we finally got around to finishing the process. :) There's something nice about doing things only when you want to, and not when you're supposed to. So here we are in 2017, digging up mud near the shore. We didn't make any special effort to find what looked like good clay; we just dug up mud to see how it would work. We had a wonderful day - we saw a mama deer with two fawns, a couple of egrets and a hawk. Who doesn't like playing with mud? Back home, we took the mud we had collected and sieved it to get rid of rocks and other junk material. And then we drained it and let our 'clean' mud sit in a pail for about... 3 years. Little seeds started sprouting a short time later. Then in June of this year, w...