Scavenging for Aluminum: a motherboard motherlode

Our Fire Craft group here is still hanging out around the dawn of the Age of Aluminum, has been for a long time now. We took a little break for various reasons, but we're still on the lookout for aluminum to melt, when it finally comes time for casting. Mainly we've been collecting pop cans, but twice now I've come across an abandoned desktop computer, and these are a great source. Look inside! What fun! So many colours and diodes and doodads and thingamabobs. And in fact, they all do something! Somehow all of this stuff makes it possible to, for example, type this text, and make this blogpost, and have Stravinsky come on in shuffle-mode while I do it (right now, Ebony Concerto written for Woody Herman and Band), and upload some photos to show you the motherboard, and give you a link to to the Ebony Concerto , and store more information than I know what to do with. Hypnotizing, no? Am I amazed by all of this because I am so ignorant of how it works? Or am ...