Pizza + Fire = Mud Oven Consecration

So we finished the mud oven last fall, then it was a freeeeezing cold winter for waaaaay too long, and then finally, finally, last weekend we fired it up for a first cooking-fire test drive. The oven revealed its earthly origins by sprouting moss, clover, and even a few tiny mushrooms. The firing and cooking was great fun - and pizza-making lends itself easily to group activity. And the oven worked very well. In our enthusiasm, though, we probably started cooking too early, because the crusts weren't getting properly baked, meaning the oven floor wasn't hot enough. As time went on, the crusts got more crisp, so we probably should have waited about 2 hours before starting, instead of about 1 hour 20 minutes. But hey, no one really complained and we all had a great time. (Although in the photo below it looks like DZ is burning his mouth and not having a great time.) We're now ready for more cookery, and al...